A spectacular drive-off secured Bram Chardon the openings class of the FEI World Cup Qualification driving. He shaved off 2 seconds of the time of multiple World Cup winner Boyd Exell. Belgium’s Glenn Geerts placed third.
Bram’s world cup season started off with a win in Maastricht. Bram Chardon was the first to enter the arena and performed a fast and clear round. Glenn Geerts and Boyd Exell also qualified for the drive-off. Another Belgian driver, Mareike Harm, placed fourth.
Thrilling drive-off
Boyd Exell, the winner of the first world cup competition in Lyon, was the first to go in the drive off. A lightning-fast round put the pressure on his competitors. Glenn Geerts saw one ball drop to ground which meant he had to settle for the third position. Crowd pleaser Bram Chardon lived up to the expectations and skillfully piloted his team through the course, besting the time of Boyd.
Tomorrow at 21.45 hours it’s time for the FEI Driving World Cup TM. Starting lists and results can be found here.